February 4 (THU)
Policy Snapshot
HawkSoft lets you create a Policy Snapshot after making changes to a policy. Learn tips on how it works, how to track and compare manual changes made to a policy, and why it can be so valuable.
Your Host(s)
Matt Brauer
Director of Strategic Accounts
March 4 (THU)
Dotting the I's of being independent
Are you still feeling a little overwhelmed with your transition from captive to independent? Join us for an "independent check-up" where we'll discuss best practices, must-have tools, and share tips on surviving the transition. We'll help you get off on the right foot for success.
*Note: Time is 9am PT / 12pm ET
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⇒ Download presentation
Matt Brauer
Director of Strategic Accounts
George Robertson
George Robertson Consulting, LLC
April 1 (THU)
HawkLink - conquering carrier websites
See a demo on the latest version of HawkLink, HawkLink for Google Chrome, and its power to automatically map and flood client data from HawkSoft into carrier sites or virtually any other website. Learn how crowd-sourced mapping can help eliminate data entry and save you tons of time when quoting various carriers. Plus, see how to save screenshots and email off to customers.
Chris LeJeune
Senior Territory Manager
Darrin DeFouw
Senior Product Owner
May 13 (THU)
HawkSoft's time-saving, secret sauce!
(NOTE: date changed from May 6)
Hot Buttons, Virtual Printer, External Tools, Gear, and Templates! Improve your daily productivity and efficiency with these time-saving tools and cool buttons you may not know about!
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Linda Anderson
Senior Territory Manager
Peggy Corbett
Founder/President Agency Transformation
June 3 (THU)
Tour of the NEW Help System!
See HawkSoft's latest and greatest Help System – brand new look, improved search functionality, and intuitive table of contents. Learn how to take advantage of this incredible training tool and comprehensive library to optimize your use of the system and productivity. Master any feature or workflow through easy-to-understand "how to" articles and videos.
Kaylind Shields
Sales Territory Manager
Dion Innes
Education Services Manager
July 1 (THU)
Agent Portal - access client data from web browser
Access HawkSoft through any web browser and from any mobile device – smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Learn the ins and outs of using Agent Portal to access client details like contact information, policy data, and coverages, plus place one-touch calls and launch maps.
Paul Moyes
VP of Sales
Ryan Reese
Product Owner
August 5 (THU)
Errors & Omissions, Oh My!
⇒ Watch Recording
⇒ Presentation
⇒ Sample Disclaimer Language
⇒ Sample Personal Lines Checklist
⇒ Sample Commercial Lines Checklist
Linda Anderson
Senior Territory Manager
Judy Sivy
Chief Risk Officer
Ohio Insurance Agents
September 2 (THU)
Uprate Alerts, Download & General Config, Gear
Your agency’s bread and butter is healthy policy retention during the critical renewal phase. Use Uprate Alerts to receive automatic notifications when renewal premiums of existing policies exceed a percentage amount. Plus, better understand how to use Download Config, General Config, and Gear!
Linda Anderson
Senior Territory Manager
October 14 (THU)
(NOTE: date changed from Oct. 7)
Tips & Tricks Part II - Batch Email, Log Notes
Become a whiz at using batch email and templates to send marketing emails for birthday wishes, renewal notices, and personalized, targeted communications. Auto document messages to every client file on the email list. Plus, learn how to maximize the use of log notes, the search functionality, and attachments.
Linda Anderson
Senior Territory Manager
Peggy Corbett
Agency Transformation
November 4 (THU)
Sharpen Your Pencil! Accounting Tips
“I love accounting!” Said no one ever in insurance.
We'll break down insurance accounting into bite size pieces to help you manage your day to day and better prepare for your year end. We’ll show you foolproof ways to ensure your customer accounts and payables are always in order, along with how to use the new “Month End Review Tracker” in QuickBooks Online to ensure your month end process is complete.
Debby Neff
Sr. Accounting Consultant
December 2 (THU)
Get ready to soar into the Cloud - HawkSoft 6 update
We’ll provide an update on HawkSoft's transition to a cloud-based platform with HawkSoft 6. Learn where we are at on the Product Roadmap and how our new platform will enhance your desktop and mobile connectivity, workflow efficiencies, and overall workday performance.
Sean Hawkins
Chief Product Officer
Matt Aman
Sr. Web Application Development