These are answers to the questions submitted by attendees on the July 11, 2024 HawkSoft 6 Tasks & Activity Tags. You can listen to the recording here.
- HawkSoft 6 Help Resources - includes the e-learning courses that highlight the differences between HawkSoft 5 and HawkSoft 6 and other training articles and videos (more are being continuously added)
- Blog - 5 Things to Know about Tasks in HawkSoft Cloud
Who to contact with questions
- In Migration/Sandbox: Reach out to your Migration Specialist or email
- Live on HawkSoft 6: Contact Product Support at 866-884-4680
Questions & Answers
(Webinar Questions Submitted by Attendees)
Is there any way to see all tasks that you have at once? It seems to only be able to see tasks that are "in process" or "done” but not a way to see the tasks "not started".
A. Yes. In the Task Center, click on In Process or Not Started to see all your tasks set in HawkSoft for any dates. -
Why are log notes not showing the newest log first when you open the log? You have to scroll all the way down to see the latest log notes.
A. Log notes should be in chronological order, with the newest log showing on top. If you have the “Show Logs on Current Tab” checked, it will only show log notes related to the tab you are currently on. Uncheck this box to show log notes across all policies.
Is there a way to attach a document to a task without assigning it to a client file?
A. Not at this time. Please refer to this article for more information.
Is there a way to get back log numbers?
A. While new log notes do not have numbers, you can still view the legacy log numbers by clicking the Logs tab > Options in the far right of the screen > check Show Log Reference Numbers.
My template selection is grayed out and not usable, and I don’t see a commercial lines option?
A. This may be a permissions setting. Please check with your Admin to look at your permissions.
If two people are assigned to a Task do they both have to close the task or only one if it's set to more than one?
A. Any of the assignees, or really anyone at the agency, may close a task unless you use the option “Must be assignee to edit”.
Will Log notes no longer be in RED if there is an open task?
A. Red is used for overdue tasks. Log notes will not show in red. There will be a clock indicator next to the log note – left side of the screen to indicate a task is associated with a log note.
I can't figure out how to clear my tasks but leave another person's tasks open. Do I edit?
A. We need a little more clarification on what you are asking here, but if you are asking to “remove all tasks” an Admin will need to help with this.
If you are asking how to remove yourself from a task while leaving others still assigned, you can remove yourself by clicking Edit and then remove yourself as an assignee.
But if you want to close your 'part' of the task while leaving other peoples' tasks open, you would need to make multiple tasks. Tasks are single To Do items that anyone assigned can/will do. Once it's done, it should be marked done. If you need multiple tasks you will need to make multiple tasks.
I have noticed that the total for My Tasks does not go down as you complete a task throughout the day. Is this correct?
A. Tasks are synced every 5 minutes, but you can always click the “Sync” icon at the bottom of the Task Center’s left panel to refresh or try F5. On the Start Page press F5 to reload the counts of Tasks.
Do Tasks show on the actual day they are due or the day after like HawkSoft 5 currently does?
A. They will show the day they are due. For example, if the task is due July 20th and today is July 20th, it will show in Task Center under “Due Today”. If you assign a task today, it will also show up under “Due Today”.
Tasks are synced every 5 minutes, but you can always click the “Sync” icon at the bottom of the Task Center to refresh.
I have not gotten the Outlook integration to work where it puts that task on my calendar. I still use my Google calendar for this especially since that calendar goes to my phone and my Outlook doesn't.
A. Please see this Help article on how to export a task to your calendar.
When you close the task in the Task Center, there is no option to Save & Log. Is that fixable?
A. Yes. When on a task in the Task Center, click the Edit on Client icon. Then click the Done button. Then click the Save & Log or Save & Action button.
Once a task is created, outside of a log note, can it be linked back to the log? I've created a task before from task and then wanted to link it to a log note (I know this isn't the correct order).
A. There is not a way to link a task to an existing log note after it has been created. You will need to open the existing log and create a new task on that log.
Are there templates ready to use? Or do we have to make our own?
A. Every agency does things differently, so creating templates is very customizable and flexible. However, HawkSoft is working on some basic templates that will be available in the near future. The HUG Facebook Group is also a great place to ask other agents how they are using the Task Templates and what they may have created.
When you create the task log/calendar appointment, can you invite the insured to the appointment invite directly from HawkSoft, or would this only come through the email platform?
A. Since they are not users in HawkSoft, it will only come through the email platform.
Is there a way to have tasks automatically set up, say 90 days before a renewal, rather than going into each client 90 days out?
A. We are very excited about offering automated tasks. While it is not yet available, it is on our roadmap as a future enhancement to HawkSoft. As a workaround, your agency can create a Renewal Task Template and set a Due Date Rule on the template - 90 Days Before Policy Expiration Date. You would need to remember to set this Task on the policy in advance, perhaps at the time the policy is bound. You could also run a Sales & Retention Renewal Report and then create tasks on each policy up for Renewal within a specific time period. Task Settings (
Is there a way to make a task without a log?
A. Yes. You can create “New Task” from the Task Center or from the Client File without having to create a log.
However, if your Admin has configured your agency settings to always require a log note when creating a task, you may not be able to create or edit a task without creating a log note.
Is there a way to default the task page to open up as soon as we open HawkSoft? Seems that staff forgets to look at them because they are out of site.
A. Not at this time, but great suggestion. You may want to add this suggestion to the HawkSoft Community where other agents can vote on this idea.
Can you create a task rule to automatically set renewal review tasks on any new policies you enter?
A. Not at this time. You can create a template to help you make it faster, but you will need to create the task.
Will Task Categories carry over to HawkSoft 6 when we do final migration, or will they be wiped out?
A. Yes. Task Categories will get migrated over to HawkSoft 6.
Can the template be linked to an email that goes out automatically, or do you need a program to do that?
A. You can do this through one of our integration partners and their automated tools.
If we don't set it up that way initially, is it not an option after the fact?
A. We’re not quite sure the context of this question, but you can definitely set up Tasks at any time.
Can you see all tasks open and closed at the same time? Or just either open or closed?
A. There is not a way to see both open and closed tasks at the same time. They are shown as either open or closed.
Is there a way to see who a task is assigned to right into the log or do we have to open the tasks to see them?
A. Yes. If you are looking at an open log note, you can see the Task icon with the initials of each assignee. Or, If you are looking at tasks on the client file, you can see who is assigned to the task under the Assignees column. It can be one or more individuals. Hovering over the initials shows the full name.
Can I set a task to close after it expires? For instance, if the policy renewal has expired, can I set the task to close, or does it need to be manually closed?
A. It will need to be manually closed.
With a task, is there a way to "resuspend" to a future date without editing or losing a trail of what has been done already?
A. If you want to change the due date, you will need to edit and change the date. The history of the task will be retained and not lost.
When creating a task and log, I keep getting a notice something is not saved. How do I avoid this and/or fix?
A. We’re not sure of your individual setup and situation. We suggest you contact Product Support at (866) 884-4680 Option 3 and see if they can assist with this.
Our agency uses tasks to process renewal increases. In HawkSoft 5, the renewal increase would show not only the percentage increase, but it also showed the $ amount of the difference between the current term and renewal term. I'm not seeing the $ difference in HawkSoft 6. Are we missing that somewhere? There are also some renewals coming in that only show the renewal term info, not a comparison between the current term and renewal term.
A. You can see the Rate Change History on your Policy Information Tab, which used to be shown under Attachments in HawkSoft 5. In regard to the renewals coming in that only show the renewal term information, we suggest you reach out to Product Support to see if they can assist you with this. - If we use a "need more information" there a way we can close those once we do get the information? If that makes sense? So it doesn't keep showing up on a report?
A. If this is about an Activity Tag, there is no way to close it once information is received. A log note is permanent, and any Activity Tags included on a log note are saved and cannot be removed. You could try and run the Activity Tag reports by date range instead to see if that helps. Please reach out to Product Support if we have misinterpreted your question. -
Will the tasks segment always be below the company logo segment or is that something that can change?
A. If you are referring to the placement of where Tasks shows up on the Start page, that placement is not something that can be changed.
When creating a task with a category, the same category is automatically used for the next task created. Is there a way to stop this from happening each time?
A. Not at present, but it is something we are discussing and looking to change.
Can you set a calendar appointment to more than one person?
A. Not at this time.
When I add to log notes so that all the items on one commercial submission are in one log note, this makes the log notes show in chronological order with oldest first instead of newest first. How can we change the date order to read newest first?
A. Sounds like you are doing “append” log instead of “new Log, which will put them in chronological order – newest on top .
Also, any column title that has an arrow by it is sortable. For Log notes, while you cannot sort the titles, you can filter by various options by clicking on the Filter icon/Options tab over on the right.
On the start page when it lists tasks, there are tasks being automatically created, perhaps after a download. How can we stop these from occurring?
A. If you do not want automated tasks created from your downloads you can simply remove the download rule if you have permissions. See this help article Download Task Rules (
Why can we no longer copy and paste something from tasks to log notes? It has to be typed two different times.
A. When in a Task, you can copy the text from your description field (ctrl +C), then click Save & Log and paste (ctrl +V) the description. Then click Save Log.
How do you best respond/reassign a task when you’re finished with the task for you from someone else in your office? Or, if you have multiple users listed on a task, how can each person update the information or remove themselves if they have completed one part of the task without closing the entire task, if still being worked on by another?
A. As best practice, if there’s distinct To Do items, where person A, B, and C should each do a different task, then you should create three separate Tasks. When creating the Task, check the Assign one task per assignee. This will create separate tasks for each assignee to close individually.
If it’s one To Do item that any of A, B, OR C could do, then one Task is sufficient and you can assign multiple persons. The log note should contain everything the other users need to know (other than the Task is no longer in the To Do list.)
In this case, select up to five assignees on the Task and do not check the Assign one task per assignee. The person who first finishes the Task can close it and update the log note with any important details so the other users can see what was done. Once the Task is closed, it is removed from all To Do lists.
What is the difference between Save or Save and Log? If I already have a log will Save be, ok? I seem to be going in circles sometimes.
A. After you edit a Task, if you click Save, it will save your changes but will not create any documentation (a log note) on it. Save & Log allows you to add details and create permanent documentation. Save and Action is used if you need to do something more than just a log note (i.e send an email, print a document, update a policy coverage, etc). But at the end of the actions you’ll get a new log note regardless.
Can you no longer click on the title of Date, Time, Policy etc. to sort logs?
A. While you cannot sort the titles in Log notes, you can filter by various options by clicking on the Filter icon>Options tab over on the right. Searching and Viewing Log Notes ( Any column title that has an arrow by it is sortable.
Will our Download Rules pull over from HawkSoft 5 to HawkSoft 6 or do we have to redo them?.
A. They will need to be re-configured because the rules have been re-designed and are different.