These are answers to questions submitted by attendees on the December 10 HawkSoft 6 Tasks & Logs webinar.  You can listen to the recording here.


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Tasks & Logs

  1. I can't figure out how to enter a log and a task without having to duplicate information on each. Suggestions?

    A. What you've DONE should be entered in a log note. What you NEED to do should be on the task. Should be little need to document in two places. Task templates are one way to help create tasks with instructions so users have a quick reference for processes, but any documentation has to be entered in a log.

  2. Please show the best way to close our tasks?

    Here's a great video on how to work with tasks.

  3. When should we be appending log notes? We've been advised in the past that we should not be appending.

    A. Append should only be used when we've forgotten information on the log note. We suggest linking logs when there is new correspondence with the insured or new steps you're taking in a workflow. The reason behind this is the log notes are completely reportable which allows you to glean valuable insights about your business and where your users are spending their time. If you only append, you're unable to indicate you received/made a phone call, for instance.

  4. Can you give an example why you would use the link logs?

    A. Linked logs should be used to connect together log notes in the same workflow, so you can read the logs as a kind of "Story" of what happened with that renewal, endorsement, etc.

  5. Why would you put information in a task when it does not automatically transfer to the log?

    A. The task description is kind of like instructions. It's probably MOST useful when using a template with a standardized way of doing things at your agency.

  6. Does it matter if your workflow is create log/add task, or if instead you do New Task, then create log from that?

    A. No! Either way ends with a log note and a to-do item (task). Up to you! One caveat would be if you need to link a new log to an existing log note, you'd want to start from the log list.

  7. So by adding multiple people to a task, either user can close the task out, right?

    Yes, if it's one task assigned to multiple people, anyone can close it. There's an optional setting to make a unique task per person, and in that case each person would need to close their own copy of the task.

  8. Does it only send calendar reminders to Google and Outlook? We use

    A. If your calendar of choice supports ICS files (ical), then it can be imported into that calendar.

  9. Can you change the "My Tasks" window back into a tab?

    A. We've received this feedback. Please check out the HawkSoft Community and upvote the suggestion so we can continue to gauge the level of importance to your agency.

  10. To be clear, the "Log Note" / Tasks are per client file specifically? So need to change the client if going to another type of task that refers to someone else. Specifically, the task are to a specific client?

    A. Tasks are related to one client at a time. If you need to work on tasks for a different client, you'll want to open that client.

  11. Why does the My Tasks quick link not show the current number of tasks you have due like suspenses used to? That made it easy to see if you had some due without having to click on it. 

    A. Great suggestion and this is something we do plan to do. For now leave your Task list open throughout the day to see the My Tasks list and counts.

  12. Will more than one person be able to log a note at the same time or attach an attachment if someone else is in the client? Or will the client be "locked" and we will have to wait until the other person is out of the client?

    A. While viewing the client, they are not locked at all. As soon as you use the Action menu to make a change or create a document, the client will become locked for editing. Other users can still view the client, but cannot also edit. Using "Quick Log" for simple phone calls where no changes are necessary will not lock the client, so multiple people can make log notes at once in this case.

  13.  Can you make a follow-up without clicking "Add Task"?

    A. Alt+S will trigger the same as clicking "Add Task". But yes, that's correct - "Add Task" is the new "Suspense" checkbox.

  14. If I have a task assigned to myself and one more user, I will be following up to be sure the task is completed by the other user. What happens to the task if the other user completes and closes the task? Does my task go away? Or do I create the log and create two tasks, one to myself and one to the other user?

    A. If you need two tasks completed, create two different tasks or use the "One Task Per Assignee Checkbox," which will create multiple copies of a task.

  15. Any way when our management runs monthly reports that it can automatically set up the initial 90 day task?

    A. You can use Batch Logs / Tasks via the reporting site to create logs and tasks on many clients at once.

  16. Is it on the horizon to create a template that creates multiple tasks? I have workflows that requires multiple tasks like the one Linda just demoed and I would like a template that creates all the tasks at once.

    A. "Assign One Task Per Assignee" can be configured via a Template. You can also pick the template and then manually check the box to create one task per assignee.

    If you're looking to create multiple distinct tasks at once, you will need to do so manually for now. One template creating multiple distinct Tasks will be part of our discussion for Automation.

  17. Can you choose a specific day to look at tasks? Ex: I am going to be off on a certain day and want to see what tasks may fall on that day.

    A. Not currently, but we will be adding support for broader date ranges/reportability in the Task Center. Great idea!

  18. Can we view tasks more than 7 days out?

    A. Yes, go to "in process" or "not started" and it will show you all your tasks that haven't been completed.

  19. When our information transferred to HawkSoft 6, a lot of OLD suspenses popped up. Is there a way to close more than one at a time or do we need to go into each client?

    A. Please work with HawkSoft support to delete unnecessary Tasks. They'll be happy to step through deleting the old unexpected Tasks.

  20. Can each office/location have access to see their staff tasks?

    If you have User Permissions by Office enabled, each office will be walled off from the other. So Agency Tasks will only represent clients you do have permission to view. Otherwise in Agency Tasks you can see all agency users' tasks.

  21. Can you edit a task if you are not under the client? I understand that we should edit under the client, but just curious.

    A. There is an Agency option which can allow your entire agency to edit without creating a log note. This will let you edit without launching the client, but as Linda suggested earlier, the log note is extremely important for E&O.

  22. Who has the authorization and capabilities to delete all tasks?

    A. In order to delete Tasks you will need permission to "Allow Task Management." In order to bulk delete tasks, you will also need permission to "Agency Tasks."

  23. If someone assigns a task to me, once I complete it, will the person who created the task receive any notification of it?

    A.  No, but the task will show up in the "Closed" selection on that client. We don't have notifications available inside of HawkSoft at this time. Users with permission to Agency Tasks can also review the recently closed tasks in Agency Tasks.

  24. Could Linda review the following scenario as far as what to put for log and task: Insured calls and adds a car. You need to follow up with wholesaler in a few days to obtain amended dec. (hope this makes sense).

    A. We actually have a great video that uses a very similar, simple scenario!

  25. When will agencies be able to create our own triggers for Default Tasks?

    A. We will be adding triggers over time. It was built as an engine, but does require that we implement them. Continue to use the HawkSoft Community to suggest the triggers you need!

  26. Is there one process to create a task and start/add a submission to track or is this two separate steps to create the task?

    A. Tasks on submissions are coming soon! We're working on it as soon as we can.

  27. Can you create multiple default tasks for the same category?

    A. Yes, one Default Task trigger could be used multiple times to create multiple tasks in one workflow.

  28. Is there a list of Task Template samples for us to look at adding for our agencies?

    A. Some HUG users have been generous enough to provide samples of theirs. Go to Resources on the HUG website or visit the HUG Facebook site - it's full of shared resources and suggestions by other agents. 

  29. Can you drag and drop a doc in when you add/append?

    A. When you create or append a log note you can drag and drop an attachment onto the log (not directly onto the task).

  30. Once a task is removed can they be viewed later?

    A. If a task is removed, the task can pretty much be considered deleted. It will no longer be visible.

  31. Can we change log notes without amending it?

    A. No. Logs are immutable for E&O purposes. This is what Append Log is for.

  32. When closing a task, is the save button a specific setting?

    A. There is an agency wide setting which allows you to edit a task without creating a log note. This can allow you to change the status and click "Save". This should be used with caution, and only if you trust your users to make log notes when applicable!

  33. Is there a way to go from your task list directly into a log note? in HawkSoft 5, opening the suspense took you directly into the full suspense with all of your notes. In HawkSoft 6 I have to click on the task to open the task only (which doesn't have to be filled out at all), and then go to the log notes and review the logs.

    A. You can click "View Full log on client" to launch the client and the log note to get full context.

  34. How can you just push out your task date only?

    A. Click Edit, change the due date, then save the Task and either make a log or append as applicable.

  35. So are you using "remove" and "archive" interchangeably?

    A. When tasks are removed they are deleted - they cannot be recovered. Task TEMPLATES are archived and can be recovered.

  36. Do we always need to attach items (email, documents, etc.) by means of a log note?

    A. Attachments are always attached to a log note, just the same as in HawkSoft 5.
  37. Is there a search bar in tasks?

    A. In the Task Center you can filter by keyword at the top to search by task title.

  38. If you have a task for a log already and you go into the log, what would be the reason you would start a new task? Would you not want to just move the current task you already have for that log? Would that just create two tasks?

    A. While viewing an existing log note, you might have forgotten to add a task while creating the log originally. Ideally you would close the existing task by taking some action, and if you need to follow up on that action, you'd create a new task. This creates a story of related Log notes

  39. I don't have log note at the top of the page/tool bar?

    A. Linda was showing us how to use a hot button to quickly create logs. See how to create a hot button.

  40. What is the difference between the hot button log note and a quick log?

    A. Quick logs are used if no actual action is required. It skips locking the client file (which happens in the Action Menu when you make changes or print forms, etc.)

General /Sandbox Questions

  1. How do we download HawkSoft 6 to our computer?

    A. If you're already on HawkSoft 6, please call support to get help installing the software.

  2. We haven't done anything. What is Sandbox?

    A. The sandbox is the testing environment where your agency will be able to test the new and changed HawkSoft 6 workflows and features before you migrate live to HawkSoft 6. Your agency will be contacted by HawkSoft when it is your time to move to the sandbox and begin your migration process. Please check out or for more information on how the migration to HawkSoft 6 works, and how your agency can get started! There's a lot of great info there.

  3. I am in the sandbox now, will categories and templates we add now get transferred as well in migration?

    A.  Yes! Categories and templates created during the sandbox are retained after migration to HawkSoft 6.

  4. Will our current task rules flow over from HawkSoft 5 to HawkSoft 6?

    A. No. Default Tasks do not port over from HawkSoft 5 to HawkSoft 6 because they have some different settings, and are in fact more advanced than HawkSoft 5.

  5. Will we lose any "suspenses"/activities/attachments, etc. when we move from HawkSoft 5 to HawkSoft 6?

    A. No, you won't lose suspenses, logs, or attachments. These will migrate from HawkSoft 5 to Hawksoft 6.