This page lists highlights of the most important features and enhancements that have been released this quarter to users on HawkSoft Cloud deployments (HawkSoft 6).
March Release Highlights
3/20 Release
- When creating an Additional Interest on a policy, there is now an option to add it to the Additional Interests database if there is not yet an entry with that name and address. More on Additional Interests
- This allows users to more easily update the Additional Interest database utilized by all users.
- This option is also available in the certificate workflow under the certificate holder.
- Multiple bug fixes and minor enhancements to downloads, reports, accounting, commission, agency setup, and more.
See release notes for all 3/20 items
3/13 Release
- When creating a manual commission statement, users may now add a total commission paid amount for the statement. More on creating manual statements
- This amount and the current total of the transactions entered on the statement are now both displayed on the statement, helping users track the transactions entered against the total.
- The number of days shown in the Due, Created, or Done columns can be changed.
- A column can be added for a custom date range of up to 30 days.
- Client Search: Business Name now always performs a "contains" search, while First/Last Name searches follow the selected radio option for "Starts With" or "Contains." More on search
- HawkLink: The HawkLink extension is now available in Microsoft Edge, in addition to Google Chrome! This option can be selected in User Preferences > Website, as well as in Carrier Setup for website links configured in the carrier. More on HawkLink
- Tracking Only users: There is now an option to convert a Tracking Only user to a normal user from the user profile, rather than needing to delete and re-create the user. More on editing users
February Release Highlights
2/27 Release
- My Tasks: A new "Customize View" button in My Tasks allows users to change the number of days displayed in the "Next 7 Days" view, and to create a customized view for any date range of up to 30 days. This provides more flexibility in viewing upcoming tasks. More on My Tasks
- Editing tasks: When a task is edited, closed, or reopened, this Action is now added to the associated log note. This makes it easier to see updates to tasks in the log notes, and allows users to report on these actions in Activity Reports. More on Agency Tasks and Activity Reports
See release notes for all 2/27 items
2/20 Release
- Log notes: Creating a new submission or submission group now creates a log note (with the ability to add tasks, activity tags, etc). When a submission is updated, the updates are appended to the original log note.
- Past submissions: For past submissions that do not have an associated log note, editing the submission will create a log note.
- Archived groups: Archiving a submission group now creates a separate log note, linked to the original log note for the submission.
- Create a new group: There is now a button on the Submissions tab to create a new submission group, which can be done without creating an individual submission.
- Client Type on Quick Reports: When running a Quick Report for All Clients or Active Clients, there is now an option to select the desired Client Type before creating the report. This allows users to run a report faster for only a subset of clients by type. More on Quick Reports
- Accounting reports: A number of additional data columns have been added to Customer Accounting Reports (Customer Balance, Unapplied Credit, Invoice Reports). More on Customer Accounting Reports
- Agent Payout: In the Agent Payout area, users may now use Shift + Click to select a range of transactions without clicking each one individually. More on Agent Payout
- ScratchPad: The ScratchPad now remembers the last used "Always on Top" setting, allowing it to display on top of other HawkSoft windows.
See release notes for all 2/20 items
2/13 Release
- After adding a line item to an invoice, there is now an icon next to the retained amount which opens a basic calculator to help users calculate retained commission.
- The calculator displays the commissionable premium, retained amount, and calculated commission percentage for the line item. Editing any of these fields will update the retained commission. More on creating an invoice
Pop-up prompt to update HawkSoft
- Updates have been made to the pop-up that displays when users have not closed out of HawkSoft since an update was released, prompting them to save their work and refresh the page so HawkSoft can update.
- If the user selects "Later," the update will occur when they reload the page or close and reopen HawkSoft.
2/6 Release
- Contains: When searching by name, users may now select whether to view results that contain the search term, or results that start with the search term.
- Load more results: There is now an option to load more results if the desired client is not found in the initial 50 results.
- Include Preferred Name: Search results now include Preferred Name if applicable, in addition to First and Last Name.
Commission Reports
January Release Highlights
1/30 Release
- Email editor: There is a new option for Microsoft Office 365 in the email integration dropdown under User Preferences. Selecting this option will allow you to use the Outlook email editor when sending an email in HawkSoft, rather than the HawkSoft email editor. This allows additional options for formatting, adding signatures, contact access, etc. Learn more
- Drag & drop: Drag & drop of emails and attachments into HawkSoft from NEW Outlook is now supported for both desktop and browser windows. This functionality is not currently supported for accounts from other email providers displayed within Outlook (e.g. Gmail). Learn more
- Include appends: When running an Activity Report, there is now an option to include log note appends in the report for agencies who wish to report on updates made to logs.
- Appends are shown as separate rows on the report, with "Append" listed in the Channel and Action columns. More on Activity Reports
- Launch log note: When double clicking on a log note in an Activity Report, the report now launches the selected log note rather than the Logs tab, making it faster to view the full log note. More on working with report data
- Policy notes: When editing a client, there are now tabs for both Client Notes and Policy Notes. Saved notes now appear in the Notes tab on the relevant client or policy. More on policy view
- User list: In Agency Setup > Users, the user list now displays all users, rather than only the first 100 users. This makes it easier for large agencies to look through their full list of users. More on managing users
See release notes for all 1/23 items
1/23 Release
Create client statements in bulk
Users can now create multiple client accounting statements at once when selecting items in the Customer Balance Summary report. A statement attachment is automatically logged to each client. More on creating customer statements
Data replace annualize premium
The Data Replace workflow now includes the option to update the Annualize Premium checkbox on multiple policies at once.
Download task rules by office
When applying offices to a download task rule, there is now an option to select/deselect all offices, and to select or search for specific offices. This makes it easier to configure rules for agencies with a long list of offices. More on download task rules
See release notes for all 1/23 items
1/16 Release
Send installation instructions to new users
- When creating a new user, there is now an option to send that user an automatic email with instructions on how to install HawkSoft, making it easier for new users to get started.
- The admin will still need to provide the user with their agency ID, user initials, and password.
Progressive Cancel/Report Memos
- Cancel/Report Memos from Progressive will now be processed as individual downloads for each included client/policy rather than as a single file, eliminating the need to manually attach to each policy.
- Each item will be automatically matched or go to Unmatched Downloads if no match is found. Separate tasks will be created for each item if a download task rule is enabled for Memos.
See release notes for all 1/16 items
1/9 Release
- Closed tasks on client: When viewing the Tasks tab on a client, users may now select to view tasks closed up to 365 days ago.
- Log notes settings: In Agency Setup > Settings, the setting for Editing Client Tasks now includes a new option to require a log note only when closing a task, allowing users to edit tasks without creating log notes if desired. More on settings
- Task description: The Task Description field has been renamed to Task Instructions to make it more clear that this area is for notes about how to perform the task, while client/policy notes should be entered in the log note. More on Tasks
Manual commission transactions
- Enhancements have been made to make it faster to add multiple manual commission transactions in a row. This includes the ability to tab between fields, and a new checkbox that allows you to add another transaction upon saving. More on manual commission transactions
Increased visual contrast on log and attachment lists
- Adjustments have been made to the colors and fonts in the Logs and Attachments lists to provide more visual contrast and make them easier to read.
See release notes for all 1/9 items